Interested in floating wind? Come along to FOWT 2025 in Brest, Brittany!

FOWT 2025 en Bretagne, à Brest
FOWT 2025 en Bretagne, à Brest

The 12th edition of FOWT (Floating Offshore Wind Turbines), a world-class event entirely devoted to floating wind, will be held in Brest from 23 to 25 April 2025. This year’s event is set against a particularly strategic backdrop for the sector, marked by the launch of new tenders in France and the kick-off of the first international tender for South Brittany’s floating wind farm. An excellent opportunity for professionals across the international floating wind sector to learn about the projects underway in Brittany and meet internationally recognised local players!

FOWT 2025, a key event for international offshore wind professionals

Brittany is set to host FOWT for the second time, this year in Brest, dubbed the ocean capital. Every year, representatives of the major offshore wind players from over thirty countries attend this annual event where they can find out about local offshore wind projects and stakeholders. The ideal opportunity to prep for upcoming French tenders.

Bretagne Ocean Power is supporting the event’s organisers, France Renouvelables and Pôle Mer Méditerranée, in preparing for this year’s event and will be offering an exciting programme of side events, technical tours for delegates, exhibitions showcasing local expertise, meetings with international delegations and more.

FOWT is also the perfect chance for international decision-makers to meet the French supply chain thanks to the strong presence of France Offshore Renewables which brings together nearly 500 businesses to boost access to local skills.

On the agenda at FOWT 2025:

22 April: Welcome reception organised by the 4 French regions engaged in floating wind and which are FOWT partners (Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Occitanie, Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte-d’Azur)

23 and 24 April: Conferences relating to offshore wind and the latest developments in the sector by specialists from 30 countries, as well as BtoB meetings organised by France Renouvelables and Pôle Mer Méditerranée at the Quartz convention centre.

25 April: Technical tours of industrial facilities and sites (see programme below) run by Bretagne Ocean Power

Technical tours

Bretagne Ocean Power is offering a range of experiences for delegates, including 2 technical tours as part of the FOWT programme:

#1 – BrestPort’s MRE terminal:

Delegates will have the chance to discover the capabilities of this facility devoted to floating wind power, strategically located at the cornerstone of France’s Atlantic coast, with the BrestPort team.

Eolink, located in the MRE terminal, will be presenting its 5 MW demonstrator currently being assembled as part of the France Atlantique project.

Finally, delegates will have the opportunity to visit the Haïzea Wind Group and SPIE Industrie site dedicated to the assembly of internal elements of wind towers.

Haïzea sur le Port de Brest
Haïzea in the Port of Brest – Crédit Région Bretagne

#2 – R&D and testing facilities:

During this tour, delegates will visit 2 major national offshore renewable energy players: France Energies Marines and IFREMER, both headquartered in Brest!

France Energies Marines, the Institute for Energy Transition whose mission is to resolve bottlenecks to the development of offshore wind energy through research and innovation, will be opening its doors! Step inside and discover the R&D projects conducted by the Institute’s multidisciplinary scientific team.

IFREMER, a public research and expertise institute, particularly active in the field of marine energies, will be revealing its unique research infrastructures: experimental platforms dedicated to living resources, test tanks, facilities for testing materials and equipment for submerged environments, as well as cutting-edge analytical tools and the open-sea testing site in Sainte-Anne du Portzic operated in collaboration with the OPEN-C Foundation.

Bassin d'essais EMR à IFREMER
Offshore renewable energy test tank at IFREMER @O.Dugornay

Book your tickets!

Interesting in attending FOWT? Registration is open! Hurry, there are limited spaces available for the side events!

Welcome to Brittany!